We see animations everyday. Almost every TV commercial has some degree of animation. TV stations use animations in their Logos and News banners. The flashing ribbons or rotating titles are all just animations.

Most every auto commercial uses animation heavily. Advertising is just one of the business categories that are dependent on good animation.

A good animation studio can usually find plenty of work creating advertising animations depending on their skill and record of finishing projects.

Popular cartoon shows are not just for kids anymore. A show like the Simpsons takes a huge crew of animators and assistants to complete each episode. Just read the credits at the end of an episode to get an idea of the amount of work for just a single episode of the Simpsons.

Video games are also almost all animations. This multibillion dollar industry is dependent on good animation.

The movie industry is leaning more and more to animation to create fantastic special effects and to give the viewers ever expanding thrills.

Even NASA has a team of animators that do space animations and conceptual rocket designs.

Even though animation is labor intensive and costly it is cheaper for extravagant movie effects than building huge sets and hiring tons of actors and extras.

You can learn a lot about animations on your own. The internet is a rich source of info and software for any would-be animator. Learn as much as you can and make a decision.

If you decide to pursue a career in animation it's up to you.